Why... (go back »)

September 19 2008, 2:42 PM



Why things have to change? is it for the better? or for worst? y can't we be like before? u used to talk to me in the middle of the night not bothering of the time, used to say sweet nothing to me, used to text me randomly, used to hug me that makes me feel calm inside out, i kept all of your text and when ever i go through it, it makes me feel like im dreaming. n thinking to myself y this must change ? i missed being loved by you. am i jus a matter to u ? or am i jus a sucker for love ? i hate myself like seriously. i need you badly..

Life's true pleasures are seen only behind the closed eyes of a dream..


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  • Male
  • 23 years old


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Kem - I Cant Stop Loving You (Screwed & Chopped) - Kem